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20 seconds voice chip

Publish Date 2010-06-01
20 seconds voice chip
Product Description:
20S AC8020 is a voice chip to support PWM and DAC outputs of the 20 seconds of the OTP voice chips, sound quality is good, there are four I / O ports, including 1 Input, 3 simple I / O, Simple I / O only single-stage trigger for the motor and voice or flashing lights, only one external capacitor 104, the product program costs low. Http: / / www.atchip.com
Applications can involve almost all of the voice products, such as the 12V bus-stop, electronic toys, voice, toys, gifts, fine advertising gifts, educational toys, Christmas and holiday gifts and toys, Christmas trees, speech and music synthesis IC, E cards, audio books, educational toys, electronic voice box, sound books, small appliances voice IC, induction cooker voice IC, voice alarm. electric vehicle charging tips voice chip, passwords, security doors voice IC, voice reporting device IC, welcome electronically Product pronunciation advertising.

Central core product advantages: half body AT Chip Guide
1, Otp-20S Speech-chip resistors, no external components, the external circuit only needs to 104 capacitors.
The cost of the program you save 30% -50%.
2, voltage 2.4V-3.6V; output mode: PWM & DAC. (Used 5V program, you need to add step-down chip LDO)
3, the only market today a 8Pin the DIP, SOP package, OTP voice chips. AT @ CHIP
4, only a die can burn OTP voice chips shipped, without mask costs, quality and best priced market.
5, 0.5W speaker is 8 ohm, and support for 8 ohm impedance power range: 0.25W-1W speakers.
6, DAC output 470 Europe 8050 1/2W resistor connected to the input pin and VSS pin.
7, the cheapest voice chips, OTP die, applications extremely simple.

AC9010 is a ring core Semiconductor Co., Ltd. of Shenzhen City in 2009 introduced a new product, solving the AC8020 original conditions only supports 3V supply, 5V VDD supply when the case plus a resistor to provide stable performance of voice output. At the same time function with greater improvements.

AC9010 20 秒 OTP voice chips that support PWM and DAC outputs a 20-second OTP voice chips, sound quality is good, a total of four I / O ports, including 2 Input, 2 simple I / O, simple I / O can only trigger a single segment voice or for the motor and flashing lights, only one external capacitor 104, low cost product solutions.
Voltage default to 2.4V-3.6V, VDD

20 seconds voice chip
20 seconds voice chip
20 seconds voice chip
20 seconds voice chip
20 seconds voice chip

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